Another Stage Hypnosis training in the books. This one was hosted by the National Guild of Hypnotist at their annual Convention.
Ultimate Stage Hypnosis Conference, in the books
Here are some comments from attendees of the 2017 Conference:
"It was epic just like you said it was going to be! Well done!"
-Lori Redlinski
GREAT Conference!!!!!!!!
-Marsha Starr
"Remember, Tommy - If you guys hadn't put this together, it would not have happened! We're indebted to you and Mike for bringing the conference together."
-David Harrod
"I am really glad I came to this conference. I had wondered how much information could really be conveyed in an all-lecture conference, but I got a ton of specific tips that I'll be putting to use right away, as well as some more philosophical points that I'll be considering for a long time to come. Thank you, Tommy and Michael, for putting this together. Thank you, William Mitchell, for suggesting that I should attend. I have not had a better-invested three days in a long time."
-Jeffrey Richards
"Thank you for all of your hard work. It was great."
-Susan Rosen
"Thanks to all the presenters. I got so many great ideas and found resources to help. It was nice to meet you all."
-Doug Jones
"This has been a very positive experience. It seems that everyone else that attended feels the same.
I agree. It was really excellent."
-Alan Sands
"Is there anything more mesmerizing then ten top tier professional mind bending hypnotist touting their climb to the top as I sit there observing and listening while in revelry, seeing myself as number eleven."
-Ralph Velotti
"Excellent Conference.. definitely picked up nuggets to move forward. Thank you!!!"
-Mariana De Leon Matthews
"Great conference, a lot to take home and implement:)"
-Gilles Bernard